In The Beginning...
Welcome to the world of Pokémon! In this post, you shall see how these 3D RPG's came into existence...
How The Games Began!
Close your eyes in 2022 and open them in the 90's. Before the first three games where made they were cards played on a desk like this one:
Pretty cool right? People used to throw cards onto the playing area and it be like a normal Pokémon battle. Lets take a look at this card... Find it yet? There are moves displayed under the picture and first evolutions. There where also chips that came with the cards to. Each chip would mean the status a move gives. Lets take another look, this time look at the move "Searing Flame"... It says "The Defending Pokémon is now Burned"... Probably thinking they have no grammar, think again. There are chips that are of the move's status right? Then they would place a red fire chip on top of the other persons Pokémon. That means its BURNED. Now lets see the HP. This "Seadra" has 70HP. Now let me bring another card into placeSo, its a Lapras VS Seadra! Oh, almost forgot! The icon to the top right is the type of the Pokémon! Seadra is normally a water type but this one is fire! Also, look next to the moves, see the number? Thats how much damage it does to the enemy! Now I think you now know the basics of playing Pokémon TCG!What Is Pokémon TCG?
TCG stands for "Trading Card Game". It is the game I just explained up their!
Generation 2, The DS
Time for the DS, AKA Gen2! Lots of games are for this console including Pokémon HeartGold, SoulSilver, Diamond, Pearl, Pokémon Ranger, the Mystery Dungeons, Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Black(+ V2), White(+ V2), Trozei, and Dash. These were VERY successful games everyone loved! Go down below to find more!
The Pokémon That Started It All...
These 4 Pokémon are legendary(not IRL) to us! These Pokémon are...